Trivantage Capital Achieves An Important Milestone: Crosses Rs. 1,000 Crores (INR 10 Billion) Of Equity AUM

Three years ago, we embarked upon a journey of excellence in managing investments in India’s financial sector. We showed our courage of conviction in becoming India’s first investment management firm to focus on our circle of competence. The sector that now represents nearly 40% of India’s stock market capitalisation has kept us on our toes in the way it has changed in its complexity and diversity. We have been trying our best to adapt to such changes in our investment and portfolio construction process.

Our flagship “Resurgent Financials Equity Strategy” has delivered a top decile performance amongst various financial sector investment funds since the strategy’s inception and has outperformed the benchmark financial sector index considerably.

Today, we celebrate the crossing of our first important milestone. Our assets under management have crossed Rs. 1,000 crores (INR 10 billion). This is the time for expressing gratitude to our investors and distribution partners who have shown enormous faith in our ability to manage investments with integrity. We will continue with humility and integrity in our journey to become India’s most trusted investment management firm in the financial sector.


Nikhil Johri

Nikhil Johri
Founder & Chief Investment Officer