Our Strategies

Trivantage Capital Resurgent Financials Equity Strategy (Flagship Strategy) Trivantage Capital Edge Strategy Trivantage Capital Select Diversified Equity Strategy
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Current Portfolio Stance* A portfolio that comprises the best of financial sector businesses across banking & financial services including life, health & general insurance, brokerages, exchange platforms and asset management. A pure-play financial sector portfolio. The portfolio comprises diversified businesses across sectors that have delivered sustainable growth over long periods with strong moats in their businesses. A concentrated portfolio of highly sustainable businesses across sectors with top-quartile long-term performance and have successfully navigated through several business cycles and market conditions.
Market Capitalisation Bias Large Cap Multi-Cap Multi-Cap
Benchmark Index Nifty 50 TRI Nifty 50 TRI Nifty 50 TRI
Date of Inception 17 February 2016 11 May 2020 18 May 2020

* The Portfolio Manager reserves the right to modify the current portfolio stance if, in his opinion, the market conditions/outlook require such modifications to enable the portfolio to achieve its stated investment objective/s.

Clients have the option of investing directly (without the intermediation of persons engaged in distribution services) in the strategies offered by Trivantage Capital. To know more, please write to info@trivantagecapital.com.